Simply Woodworking

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Two books, about the Afghan war, that illustrates the UK’s Army & Navy support for one another.

I started out reading “An Ordinary Soldier by Doug Beattie MC”, on loan from the local library.  I found it an interesting account of the war in Afghanistan. You get a very realistic idea of the conditions that our frontline troops serve in and their camaraderie.

Then I took out the “Joint Force Harrier by Commander Ade Orchard” whilst I still had Doug Beattie’s book.  Yes, I often have two or more books that I am actively reading, basically switching between them. That was the case here and then I realised that they were talking about exactly the same war and time.  The Army on the ground with the Royal Navy providing air cover/support.

Then whilst reading the books I found a video by  Sean Langan on Youtube “Fighting the Taliban (Modern Military Documentary) Real Stories.  which covered the events in both books. This enabled me to at least see the people fighting the ground war.

Recommended Read!

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